We can’t say February is a slow fishing month. The pails have been full and customers are catching a ton of fish. Little ones are always around but the pails are filling up with great quality eater walleye and sauger. One house reported in with 5 slots one day.
Fishing Report: May 12th
Let me see your opener fish! Send us your pictures! Here are some pictures from one of our guests this weekend. Gregg caught a nice 29.5″, and his son Garrett caught a 28″!! Way to go guys!
It’s another rainy and chilly day here on Lake of the Woods, but it’s not so bad, because now we can fish for walleyes!
The fishing report for this weekend was phenomenal. There was a lot of big fish caught, and with all the slots yours arms will get sore! 12-18′ anchored up and jigging in the Bay and on the Lake, 12′ or less on the river. 1/2-1 oz jigs, pink, orange, gold, pretty much any flashy colors. The river was hot this weekend, all the way to Frontier, and will only get better as the ice continues to go out. A lot of the fish caught this weekend had not yet spawned out. Morris Gap was good for keeper saugers in the early morning, and then it shuts down. Not a lot of keeper fish were caught, but that isn’t such a terrible thing, when you’re reeling up hogs!
Our guides are ready and waiting to get you out on the big ones! Give us a call today!