Fishing Report: 4-14
Good afternoon fishermen!
Today when I opened my car door at work, I heard a beautiful sound. The sea gulls! You may, or may not, agree that it is a beautiful noise, but it reminded me that one day, hopefully soon, there will be open water in front of the resort!
**REMINDER**-Walleye season ends tonight at midnight!
Folks are still ice fishing. And they are still using extensions on their augers. YES. You heard me right, it is the middle of April and people still need extensions on their augers. So for those of you wondering how the ice is on the lake, it is still thick, and still in good shape. Last week was quite warm, and there was quite a bit of slush to contend with. This week we are expected to be below freezing again. (Mother Nature, just letting us know who is really in charge…) ATV travel on the lake is OK now, as the slush from last week has froze over. The pike bite has picked up in Four Mile Bay, and will continue to get better in the shallows as we get deeper into spring and the ice starts to (finally) go down. Fish in 1-10 feet of water near creek tributaries, Bostic creek, Four Mile Bay.
Sturgeon catch and kill season opens on April 24th-May 7th.
We still have our awesome spring rate of only $28.50 per person, per night until opener! Our bar is open, and food is available!
Give us a call to book your spring OR summer stay, today!
Picture is just a helpful reminder that summer IS in fact coming!