We can’t say February is a slow fishing month. The pails have been full and customers are catching a ton of fish. Little ones are always around but the pails are filling up with great quality eater walleye and sauger. One house reported in with 5 slots one day.
Sleeper Houses are Now Available
Wigwam Resort now has two 4-man sleeper houses available for rent.
Stay the night on beautiful Lake of the Woods in comfort while catching your limit! Arrival time for the sleeper houses is between 9 am and 3 pm. Please call us to schedule your arrival time. Arrangements for your departure will be made the day prior to your departure. There is parking for your vehicles at the resort, and we request that you leave your keys with us to avoid loss of them on the lake. Guides will transport you and your gear to and from the sleeper house. Depending on the conditions, you are welcome to drive your own vehicle out to the house as well. Guides will check in with you two times daily, and provide bait, garbage bags, toilet paper, and remove trash if necessary.
We will provide you with the following:
- Transportation to and from the sleeper house
- Live bait
- Garbage bags & garbage removal
- Waste bags & toilet paper for the bathroom
- Ice hole slusher
- Regularly scheduled supply runs
- Marine band radio for communication
- Tub for washing dishes
- Stove for cooking
- Table for eating & filleting fish
You will need to bring your own:
- Cookware, serving dishes & eating utensils
- Plastic storage bags
- Coffee maker, coffee & filters
- Dish towels & dish soap
- Food, drinks, cooking oil & seasonings
- Can opener
- Warm clothing
- Fishing gear & tackle
- Toiletries
- Fishing license (available at Border Bait, Log Cabin Bait & Tackle or any Holiday)
- Generator
- Fillet knife
- Sleeping bags & pillows
- Matches / lighter
- Water for cooking and drinking
Click here for rates and reservation information.